Friday, 6 July 2012

Little Bitty Pretty One

So yesterday I went shopping... It was HELL! There was a sale here, there and everywhere! But alas I have no money! For a shopaholic like myself it was like having tequila without salt! I did however manage to pick up one little gem from the rather good Republic sale. It was like a rat race trying to get to my size before everyone else!
This wonderful little coral crop top/Bralet is perfect for this summer weather we are supposed to be having HA!

For that fifties summer fun look I have paired it with my last summer New Look high waisted shorts. Complete the look with a headscarf maybe and some pumps and you'll be straight back to that rockin era.
I think this outfit has changed me last night I spent my time downloading 50's/60's music! God Golly Miss Molly!

2 Responses so far.

  1. Bowler says:

    Thanks Babe :) sweet blog!

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